Finding My Happy

Finding My Happy
Finding My Happy

Saturday, December 24, 2016

This blog will start on December 31st 2016

What can you look forward to?

In this blog I invite you to join me on a journey where I find my happiness. This isn't about doing activities I enjoy, but making changes that will ultimately make my life a happy one.
I will learn to manage my money, lose weight I have been struggling with for years AND KEEP IT OFF, get out of the house, and be more social.
My purpose for creating this blog is not only to give myself motivation, but hopefully inspire some readers as I slowly make a transformation. With any luck this blog will find success and I can create a group of support for myself and others.

So if you find life to be challenging, if you struggle with weight, or if you just can't seem to get it together, join me and let's see where life takes us.

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